This election, we saw John Kerry up against George W. Bush. Some said John Kerry was too far to the left. Others said George W. Bush was too far to the right. No one was just right. You know, this nation was founded upon compromise. The Constituiton is filled with compromises, including "the Great Compromise." George Washington urged compromise between people to prevent different parties. Andrew Jackson used compromise to keep the Nationalists and the States' Rights folks happy. ...
Throughout history, many people have been oppressed. Now, any thought of bigotry fills me with disgust. So thats why Im surprised that some people think its their turn. For example, youve heard about schools getting sued and such for having Christmas stuff up and lots of other nonsense? Well, I have also noticed that in many schools there are Hannukah decorations, and other religious holidays. Yet they remain untouched. So, apparently, its okay to not let Christians express religio...
Recently (or was it recently? Ah well), I wrote Inside the mind of a Far-Lefter, a little look into what I was like when I was an extremist. Due to the overwhelming response (okay, overwhelming is a little too strong a term, but it's still my top-rated article) and at Toblerone's suggestion, here is the story of how I became an extremist and how that part of me eventually, and at one point inevitably, collapsed. Well, I haven't really been interested in politics that long. It all started s...
I can't take it anymore! Every single political article I look at here somehow becomes (if it isn't already) just Rightist/Leftist propaganda as to why the other party should be driven out of the country! I am being driven insane here! None of you can seem to grasp that people can have different opinions without being evil! So, here is a little briefing for you: People are allowed to support the president without blindly following him. People are allowed to disagree with the president w...
In my last article, I revealed that I am a former extremist. In fact, if you looked hard enough, you could find an extremist post or two from me. Fortunately, I was not too far gone, and reasonable thinking and this site pulled me back from the far left (and that is my debt to Joeuser). That brief time of being extremist will probably affect my opinion forever, and I will always feel sympathy for the ones still there. Maybe I can help them, just a little, by showing you what goes on up there...
Abortion. I think it is a tad, well, horrible. But I also think a woman has a right to choose. But one of my friends disagrees. He says it is utterly horrible, inhumane, and should be immediately outlawed. Now, hes allowed to have his own opinion. But what seems to happen is whenever I make a good point about one of his views, he launches into this huge rant about how Democrats want to kill babies. He hides behind the issue in nearly every discussion we have. And then when I try to say somet...
(I know this is old news by now, but I haven't been on until now and I wanted to give my two cents on it) Link Flag burning you say? Ah. Well, I can see that. After all, like Jon Stewart said: "Today the House passed an amendment to ban the burning of the flag, thus ending the Iraqi insurgency." What importance does this have? Really? Why do we need an amendment to ban burning of the flag? I already believe that it is protected by the First Amendment. Well, I guess if you can pull ...
I believe I mentioned this belief on a thread a while back, but let me go over it in detail. I believe that the type of government a country has matters less than the people who run it. If someone goes around saying "Democracy is wrong; Communism is wrong; Monarchy is wrong" I think they are the ones who are wrong. No type of government can be inherently wrong. It's is how the power of this government is USED that matters. Allow me to elaborate. Those who run a government decide how its po...
A common opposition tactic against anybody is to bring out the "that's not what the people want!" argument. Apparently, only what is popular can possibly be right. That is complete and utter nonsense. An important part of leadership is doing what you believe is right, no matter what others think . It's important to have strong convictions and believe in them. A great example of how important this is is Harry S Truman. Truman, was, of course, 33rd president of the United States. He had a ...
I was watching one of my favorite movies, Monty Python and the Holy Grail today. Whilst laughing, I noticed a scene that seemed oddly similar to today's court system. First finishing the movie (since thought gets in the way of enjoying Monty Python), I pondered this further. The scene I'm referring to is Sir Bedevere and the "witch." In the scene, a mob of townspeople carry a woman that looks like a witch up to Sir Bedevere, claiming that she is a witch. When Bedevere asks what proof they ...
As always, there is clamor about JU for the rational liberals to come out and denounce the radical wing of the party. If only it was as simple as many wish it was. Because, like my title states, the price of rationality is eternal timidity. What do I mean, you ask? Well, it's quite simple, really. In order to maintain a rational mindset, one must always remain timid. If one was not timid while rational, they would lash out against those who are radical. It seems like a good thing, no? Sadl...
Yesterday, I heard a rather comeplling argument for increasing the wealthy's refund. I've been thinking it over, and the more I think, the more it makes sense. And I've been thinking about enough to bring me very close to bolting my party on the issue. In fact, if I were to hear one more argument that I think makes sense, I probably will. Anyway, to the argument. In a discussion about it (not neccesarily with me, but I was hearing it), the person said this: The government should increase t...
We all probably know about the Bush tax plan; decrease taxes on the rich so they will purchase more/increase supply. Well, my family has benefitted from these tax cuts, and, if we are an example, I really don't see how this is working. As I said, I don't see how this plan is working. Though I am grateful for the tax cut, our spending hasn't really increased since Bush took office. Therefore, we're aren't "stimulating the economy" or anything. If we are an example, then this plan really isn...
I recently came across a large amount of presidential quotes from every president. These are my 10 favorite. 1. "I do precisely what I think just and right." -Andrew Jackson Simple but powerful, Jackson sums up exactly what a president should do. 2. "To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public. " -Theodore Roosevelt You hear...
Link Most of you probably heard about the recent Supreme Court decision. You know, the one where they let the 10 Commandments stand after previously forcing them to be taken down. That one. Well, this issue hasn't been gone over until I point and laugh at everyone involved while somehow making a point through it all. Anyway, let's first go to the ruling where it was taken down. Five of the Justices, Souter, Stevens, Ginsburg, O'Connor, and Breyer, voted in favor of taking them down. In t...