Yesterday, I heard a rather comeplling argument for increasing the wealthy's refund. I've been thinking it over, and the more I think, the more it makes sense. And I've been thinking about enough to bring me very close to bolting my party on the issue. In fact, if I were to hear one more argument that I think makes sense, I probably will.
Anyway, to the argument. In a discussion about it (not neccesarily with me, but I was hearing it), the person said this: The government should increase the refunds the wealthy get, not only because they worked hard to be wealthy, but because then the middle class and poor would have an incentive to work hard enough to become wealthy, because they will be able to keep more of the money they make.
Perhaps you do not find this argument compelling. But I do. Of course, there is a good reason I find this sensible. The Democrat who brought this forth was none other than my dad.