Throughout history, many people have been oppressed. Now, any thought of bigotry fills me with disgust. So thats why Im surprised that some people think its their turn.
For example, youve heard about schools getting sued and such for having Christmas stuff up and lots of other nonsense? Well, I have also noticed that in many schools there are Hannukah decorations, and other religious holidays. Yet they remain untouched. So, apparently, its okay to not let Christians express religion in public places, but everything else is ok. If your going to so harshly enforce separation of church and state, at least dont be hypocritical about it.
One group that I particularly dislike is feminists. As I said, I have no will to supress anyone and bigotry is a revolting idea to me. But it appears to me that feminists wish to supress men. Many are okay, all that Female Empowerment stuff, fine, I wont bother you, but some seem to teach men are the scum of the Earth. They apparently think that all the worlds problems are mens fault, and that if we were erradicated, the world would be a better place. This is a very twisted view on the world, and it will only serve to widen the gap between men and women.
Now, this last one is a very sensitive issue, but it needs to be said. There are very few of them, but it is true that some black people are rascist against white people. This is just as bad as the reverse. What some people dont seem to understand is the very basic and very cliched saying, "Two wrongs dont make a right." We have apologized for any and all mistreatment of black people. Hating us for something we renounced is not only not doing any good, its doing harm.
The reverses of what I have just talked about (prejuidice against women, etc.) are considered intolerable. Most people think the reverses of what I talked about are horrible. So it surprises me that these things are not treated as harshly. Listen, you may not like what I just said, but it had to be said. I believe these to be true, and I think we need to work to stop the bigotry it and its reverses create.