The life of a modern left-handed democrat.
Published on April 9, 2005 By NJforever In Politics
A common opposition tactic against anybody is to bring out the "that's not what the people want!" argument. Apparently, only what is popular can possibly be right. That is complete and utter nonsense. An important part of leadership is doing what you believe is right, no matter what others think . It's important to have strong convictions and believe in them. A great example of how important this is is Harry S Truman.

Truman, was, of course, 33rd president of the United States. He had a sign on his desk, which read "The buck stops here." And it certainly did. Truman is notorious for always standing up for what he believed in, no matter what popular opinion was. In fact, it nearly cost him the election (I never saw it, but the victorious Truman holding a paper with the headline "Dewey defeats Truman" is memorable). But he didn't care. And you know what? It turns out Truman really helped the nation. He's up there in presidential rankings (and I know my presidential rankings. Just ask Dr. Guy). I greatly respect and admire Truman for his strong convictions.

Obviously, I tend to stick by my convictions. I believe it is a quality every leader should have. Also, I never care for those "that's not what the people want!" arguments. You know what? Too bad. Prove to me that it isn't working, not that it isn't popular, and I'll happily agree with you. But don't start throwing polls and whatnot at me (don't even get me started on polls; I got a Roosevelt-Landon story there). I guess this makes me a Truman Democrat. Are you a Truman (insert party here)?

Comments (Page 1)
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on Apr 09, 2005
Strong convictions are good for leaders, but when do strong convictions turn into downright stubborness?
on Apr 09, 2005
Strong convictions are good for leaders, but when do strong convictions turn into downright stubborness?

I believe that is when something is proven completely wrong and hurtful, but they still continue to insist they are right.
on Apr 10, 2005
The issue with Bush is that his policies are not solving our problems, he will not try something different and the BUCK NEVER STOPS on his desk!
on Apr 10, 2005
Thank you for the attibution.  I agree with you about Truman.  There are many things I did not like about him, but I do admire him for being a strong leader.  As a Truman Democrat, you are one of the remaining few.  A shame you could not sway more to your side of the party.
on Apr 10, 2005
The issue with Bush is that his policies are not solving our problems, he will not try something different and the BUCK NEVER STOPS on his desk!

Gene, all I ask is that you PROVE it. Yes, I've seen your other threads, but you still haven't really proved anything.

Thank you for the attibution. I agree with you about Truman. There are many things I did not like about him, but I do admire him for being a strong leader. As a Truman Democrat, you are one of the remaining few. A shame you could not sway more to your side of the party.

Well, being a Truman Democrat doesn't really involve what your beliefs are, it involves sticking by them. But I guess that does knock more than a few out.
on Apr 10, 2005
The best is when both sides try to use the "that's not what the people want!" argument. Watching the same-sex marriage debate in many loud many silent many much proof that Jason Kenney has to be the dumbest politician in Canada...
on Apr 10, 2005


By placing the next generation into debt so we can give people that need nothing more money.

By not protecting the borders on this country so terrorists can walk in

By not insuring the tarde policies enable American companies and workers to get a fair shake.

By starting a war with a country that did not pose any danger to the U S

By trying to solve the funding shortfall in Social Secuuity by taking Trillions more from the system for individual accounts.
on Apr 10, 2005

Well, being a Truman Democrat doesn't really involve what your beliefs are, it involves sticking by them. But I guess that does knock more than a few out.

Start a new Wing.  I dare say we dont agree on all things, but hold true to the beliefs and ban polling as an indication of what to do next.  That would get you and your fellow minded democrats the next Presidential elections.  The current front runners are like water when it comes for standing up for their beleifs.  A shame really.  I would like to see a 3 part government again.  Not a President, lackeys and then the judiciary.

on Apr 10, 2005

Reply By: COL GenePosted: Sunday, April 10, 2005


He said proof, not editorials.  You have lost all sight of the truth, and just have hate left.  Those are your OPINIONS as none are facts.  And Proof requires FACTS not opinions.

on Apr 10, 2005
Start a new Wing. I dare say we dont agree on all things, but hold true to the beliefs and ban polling as an indication of what to do next. That would get you and your fellow minded democrats the next Presidential elections. The current front runners are like water when it comes for standing up for their beleifs. A shame really. I would like to see a 3 part government again. Not a President, lackeys and then the judiciary.

It would be nice if we got a stronger candidate in 2008. I've already said on another thread that I'm considering supporting the Libertarians if I cannot stomach the Democratic candidate.
on Apr 10, 2005
Good article, If the old time democrats were still around, fdr, truman, jfk I would still be a democrat and proud of that fact.
on Apr 10, 2005
Dr Guy

If you believe the debt, loss of jobs and industries and unprotected borders are not facts, you do not know what the word means. Only a fool would argue these things will benefit America! Tell me the debt has not increased under Bush or the the trade deficit has not increased or that millions of people have come across our border since 9/11.
on Apr 10, 2005

If you believe the debt, loss of jobs and industries and unprotected borders are not facts, you do not know what the word means.

They would be facts if true, yet they are just your rantings and that of the left with no basis in facts.  you still have yet to provide FACTS.  You are bereft of them.

on Apr 10, 2005

It would be nice if we got a stronger candidate in 2008. I've already said on another thread that I'm considering supporting the Libertarians if I cannot stomach the Democratic candidate.

I will join you if the democrats shirk their duty once again.

on Apr 10, 2005

In 2001 the national debt was 5.7 Trillion. Today it is 7.7 Trillion.

The trade deficit in 2001 was about 400 billion, in 2004 it was over 620 billion

Unemployment rate in 2001 was 3.9% it is now 5.2%

In 2000 we had a 125 Billion annual surplus under the Unified Budget (adding ss and medicare surpluses). Today we are at 425 Billion annual deficit under the Unified Budget.

Underemployment( workers without living wage jobs) rate was 6.9% in 2001 and is now 9.3%

Five facts. No BS just facts. All worse since Bush became President!
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