The life of a modern left-handed democrat.
Are We Better Than Those on Discovery Channel?
Published on June 10, 2005 By NJforever In Blogging
Recently, Bakerstreet wrote an article about Discovery Channel's Top 100 AmericansLink. I must say, that list is, more or less, an embarrasment. I mean come on; John Edwards? Madonna? Dr. Phil? Teddy Roosevelt came behind Oprah, for crying out loud.

So, I decided we should have our own Top Americans thing. 100 would require so many people voting, I don't think it's such a good idea. To that effect, I cut it down to the Top 10 Americans. Just post your vote here, and after a bit, I'll count them up and announce the top 10 Americans according to JU. The polls are open, let the voting begin!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jun 10, 2005
To kick things off, my vote goes to:

George Washington
on Jun 10, 2005
My vote i split between the 2 docs, miler and guy.
on Jun 10, 2005
My vote i split between the 2 docs, miler and guy.

I can't say I'm not surprised...but I don't know who Miller and Guy really are, so I can't really say they don't belong there, now can I?
on Jun 10, 2005
on Jun 10, 2005

I guess ParaTed was right, it can be surprising and fun to see what direction a post takes.
on Jun 10, 2005
I'll give you a top 10 icons and top 10 JUers
(both in no order)

Top 10 icons
Bill Clinton
Paul McCartney
Gia Carangi
Yo Yo Ma
Tyra Banks
Johnny Depp
Stephen Hawking
Miles Davis
Sara Vaughn

Who makes you want to keep coming back to JU for reasons both good and bad...

The Dr's Guy and Miler
Little Whip
Texas Wahine
Danny Bassette
and of course...

on Jun 10, 2005
Not ignoring this, I'm thinkin. Gimme a bit.
on Jun 10, 2005
Mine is a bit different but here's my take on it (previous humor aside)

Our Military members in harm's way
Police officers
Rescue workers
The waitress that gives extra good service with a smile
The doctor who doesn't charge his patient because he knows he can't afford it
Everyone who does a little something every day to make life a little more pleasant for others
on Jun 10, 2005
I was going to do a list, but I have a serious problem with it. Do you choose great Americans in terms of world-wide impact? DO you choose them that contributed to American sucess? Without the likes of:

  • T. Jefferson
  • A. Lincoln
  • F. Roosevelt

There probably would be no America at all. In terms of world impact, I have to lean away from inventors, since someone eventually would have invented the stuff. In terms of American history, though, the fact that people like:
  • H. Ford
  • A.G. Bell ( as "American" as Einstein )
  • T. Edison
outpaced the rest of the world cemented our status as a world technological power.

It's tough. Not that there are so few choices that I have to fall back on Dr. Phil, but that there are SO MANY people who directly influenced our success and evolution. Maybe if I think a bit more I will be able to look at it in terms of a top ten. I dunno.
on Jun 10, 2005
The interesting thing about this is that you can interpret it anyway you want. Mason's answer is very good in that you wouldn't normally think of that but they are pretty great people.
on Jun 10, 2005
The interesting thing about this is that you can interpret it anyway you want. Mason's answer is very good in that you wouldn't normally think of that but they are pretty great people.

In that case I revert to my original answer.
on Jun 11, 2005
In his best Elvis impersonation he says "Thank you, Thank you very much".
on Jun 11, 2005
In the same lines as MasonM, I'd have to say:

The greatest American is anyone in America who does their best at work, puts their loved ones first in their lives, and does what they can to be better today than they were yesterday. In other words, the greatest American would be one who does what he or she can to make America great. The best way to make America great, is to be a great person (who happens to be an American).
on Jun 11, 2005

#15 by Justice For Jews
Saturday, June 11, 2005

My vote goes to Winstone Churchil.

And you my friend should learn to spell. It's "Winston Churchill".
on Jun 11, 2005
Emerson, Walton, Thoreau, or Warhol ring any bells? Perhaps Sousa or Armstrong (That's Louis, by the way) fits you better. Steinbeck, perhaps? Maybe Dickinson? How about Poe? Frank Llyod Wright?

Any way you look at it, politicians and business men aren't the only people who have influenced American thought and culture. It's disgusting that all these writers, artists, and musicians never made the list.
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