The life of a modern left-handed democrat.
Time Flies When You're Having Fun
Published on May 17, 2005 By NJforever In Blogging
That's right! This is my 50th article. Why, it seems only yesterday I wrote my 49th. Of course, it does feel like this has taken no time at all. I've just been posting my articles, commenting on others, and "meeting" several people in the process. I came here having one person on my favorites, and it's already grown to five. By the way, if you look really hard at the 50, you can find the four that are any good.

I don't really have the talent or creativity to write some big 50th article thing, or even come up with 50 things about myself or something like that. Tell you what, if you want to know anything, if anyone cares even a tiny iota, don't hesitate to ask here. Anyway, a special 50th article thanks to Toblerone, ParaTed2k, Gideon-MacLeish, Alisonwatkins, DrGuy, Moderateman, and my best friend, TheFazz. Here's to many more!

Comments (Page 1)
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on May 17, 2005
your talent is in how perceptive you can be nj, congrats on the 50th may you write many more.
on May 17, 2005
Congrats on this milestone. Pretty soon, I may reach my *gasp* seventh article!

Where would you be without my expert proofreading?
on May 17, 2005
your talent is in how perceptive you can be nj, congrats on the 50th may you write many more.

Thank you Mod. Don't let my self-mocking comments fool you though; I have a large array of talents (and an ego as big as Russia). Just not in writing.
on May 17, 2005
Congrats on this milestone. Pretty soon, I may reach my *gasp* seventh article!

Wow, and it's barely been 6 months! That's truly amazing!

Where would you be without my expert proofreading?

With a few mistakes no one but you would care about.
on May 17, 2005
With a few mistakes no one but you would care about.

Mistakes really take away from the professional look of what you type. Especially when in books. I found two mistakes in a novel I was reading last night...anyway, I think there was a mistake in this article or the one before it.
on May 17, 2005
Keep at it NJ. You're a damn good writer!
on May 17, 2005
Keep at it NJ. You're a damn good writer!

Thanks. I don't really think of myself as a good writer, but if you insist.
on May 17, 2005
Thanks. I don't really think of myself as a good writer, but if you insist.

Your modesty is appalling.
on May 17, 2005
#3 by NJforever
Tuesday, May 17, 2005

your talent is in how perceptive you can be nj, congrats on the 50th may you write many more.

Thank you Mod. Don't let my self-mocking comments fool you though; I have a large array of talents (and an ego as big as Russia). Just not in writing.

yer welcome my friend and do not think I din't pay attention.. eh eh eh eh eh
on May 18, 2005

Congrats on this milestone. Pretty soon, I may reach my *gasp* seventh article!

Yea, but your spelling and grammar are always perfect.  And Perfection takes a long time to write!

on May 18, 2005
Congratulations on the 50th!  Keep em coming.  With your content and Fazz's editing, I expect another 50 excellant articles soon!
on May 18, 2005
Congratulations on the 50th! Keep em coming. With your content and Fazz's editing, I expect another 50 excellant articles soon!

Thanks. I don't know about excellent, but 50 will sure be on their way. And to save you the pain of being attacked by Fazz, it's excellent.
on May 18, 2005
Congrats NJ! And this one makes a pretty nicely read tribute! Blog on!
on May 18, 2005

Thanks. I don't know about excellent, but 50 will sure be on their way. And to save you the pain of being attacked by Fazz, it's excellent

I like throwing him a bone now and then!

on May 18, 2005
And to save you the pain of being attacked by Fazz, it's excellent.

Thank you. I was going to hurt him if you hadn't stepped in first...

I like throwing him a bone now and then!

Hah, I noticed.

Yea, but your spelling and grammar are always perfect. And Perfection takes a long time to write!

That's what I've been trying to tell NJ. And thank you. Your articles are excellant, too.
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