Grrrr. This is some of the earliest I've ever been up. Also some of the earliest I ever fell asleep. Kind of funny how whenever I fall asleep so early it's always an accident. The question is, now what do I do for 3 hours?
So after much stretching, adjusting to the light, and other post-sleep activities, I decide to see what everyone on JU is up to. I log on, I read, nothing much new, stuff I read before, one or two new articles, one or two people getting "outraged" by an article in humor (how come they're almost always anonymous?). I have a chuckle or two. Then I decide to torture you all by recounting it.
You know, it's kind of nice in the early morning. 'Tis quiet. Lighting is just right. My little sister isn't up bugging everybody and making a mess. Perhaps I will start waking up earlier in the day (I'm gonna have to by the time high school rolls around. Down side to going to a vocational, not very close).Yes, that sounds good. Start conditioning myself early. And I can rekindle a long-lost tradition: breakfast. Speaking of which.....
'Till my muse goes on strike again,