The life of a modern left-handed democrat.
Or How Therapy Destroyed my Perspective
Published on February 4, 2005 By NJforever In Life Journals
I truly and sincerely hate therapists. I'm sorry if any of you who read this are therapists, but I just cannot like them after what they did to me.

It all started about 2 years ago. I was kind of sad that day, you know, stuff happened. Anyway, I jokingly said to a friend that I'd kill myself. In retrospect, probably shouldn't have said it, but I still say they overreacted. Next thing I know, I have to go to the hospital for a psycho-analysis.

It got really downhill when I had to wait FOUR HOURS before anyone came. Then, I misunderstand a question, and it is recommended that I stay in the hospital. Totally wrong call, thankfully Mom realizes that and takes me home.

But it wasn't over yet. Oh no, not by a long shot. Because of that misunderstood question, I'm forced to go to therapy for THREE MONTHS! Adding insult to injury, one of the therapists was very insulting and demeaning, they should re-evaluate their hiring policies if she's allowed to work there. So I got this for three months, and it all starts me on some thinking. While trying to delve into my mind (which they never did. Hah!), I started thinking about things I dislike in my life. And that ain't healthy.

Finally, the three months end and therapy is over. Of course, by then I'm almost constantly thinking about not only what I hate in my life, but what I hate in the world. And it gave me a sadness equal to that of, you guessed it, DEPRESSION! So I was given therapy to treat something I didn't have, then I was given it by the therapy. Thanks alot therapy, you nearly eliminated all traces of optimism I ever had!

on Feb 04, 2005
You weren't specific enough. What exactly did they do to you to invoke such hatred?
on Feb 04, 2005
Bad doctors, bad hospitals
on Feb 04, 2005
You weren't specific enough. What exactly did they do to you to invoke such hatred?

Well, other than giving me severe bitterness and a sadness that is practically depression that only recently started to recover, nothing I suppose.
on Feb 04, 2005
Yes, but what did they do to make you sad? Certainly regular therapy couldn't result in that. What was it that made you so depressed?
on Feb 04, 2005
While trying to delve into my mind (which they never did. Hah!), I started thinking about things I dislike in my life. And that ain't healthy.

Of course, by then I'm almost constantly thinking about not only what I hate in my life, but what I hate in the world.

When you think about what you hate, you tend to be sad.
on Feb 12, 2005
Yeah I think *they've found that all this "tell me about your childhood" crap basically results in you digging up memories that your mind has kindly repressed to keep you sane. It can help understand why you are the way you are but it doesn't actually help you recover. *They have also found that keeping a diary can be bad in a similar way. Basically your mnd repress stuff for a reason, so you get on with your life.

*By "they" I mean researchers whose names I cannot recall.
on Feb 13, 2005
I agree, repression of memories is really healthy. My mind has somehow managed to semi-repress the memories, but every once in a while (by which I mean all the time) they come back and I start into violent, involuntary twitching. I've been working on it though; sometimes I can restrict it to eye tics.
on Feb 16, 2005
on Feb 26, 2005
I feel that any friend who reports you to the sinister "counsellors" is no friend at all. It is only a small step from what you have described to someone saying something like "the election of bush makes me want to commit suicide" and then being sent to a political and emotional therapy session to "resolve" your unfelt feelings about society. You are emotionally threatened into spilling your guts out (gestapo anyone?) while the content of your answers and how well you perform in front of them determines your fate; if you displease them, even more therapy. But if you put on a convincing lie of going through an emotional transformation and humiliate yourself enough with revealing private information then you may be relased from their grip. But even after it ends you are forever scarred with the memory of it and the fear that if you ever display, say or do anything like that again you will be re-sent to the therapy session - only this time with the added stigma that your last session has failed to alter your behaviour and even longer more in-depth therapy or even drugs are now needed to help you. therapists are emotional rapists personisified. Only a true authoritarian aspires to become a therapist.