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Left-Hand and Left-Wing
The life of a modern left-handed democrat.
Pathetically Wonderful
Life in these times
Published on November 27, 2004 By
Recentyl, I posted a reply giving a small insight into my view of these times and my life. And now heres the article. I generally despair about these times. Deteriorating diplomatic relations, war, all the deaths....I cant help but feel like we have truly hit the bottom of world society. And, no, no one has to bite my head of for accusations; i am blaming no individual for what I am speaking of in this article, nor am i blaming a country or a political party.
Strangely, these developments compel me to do something. Anything. They give me a desire to help make this world better. They give me drive to change things.
I have long ago given up most faith in humans. This is undeniable; humans have caused terrible things. Again, I speak of no one in particular, just humans. I will not deny humans have done great things as well, but I look at the violent histories and how things are today and I cant help but think......
I trust no one unless they prove themselves trustworthy (one person I have deemed more or less trustworthy will probably read this article).But, if you trust no one, you are setting yourself up for a dissappointment. I know we can change things, we just need the help of enlightened individuals again, as they have changed things for the better. In that respect I have not lost faith; to know people like Martin Luther King, Jr. and Gandhi can exist restores some of my faith already.
Again, I posess a drive to change things. To make things better somehow, some way. I dont care how insignificant my entire life will most likely be; as long as I have helped change this world even a little bit, it will have helped. This is my optimism talking. My pessimissm talks much more frequently.
So, I leave this article saying that I despair in these times, that I have little, if any, faith in humans, and that humans are untrustworty and sometimes, I even hate my life.
God, I
this life.
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on Nov 27, 2004
I, too, agree that these are trying times...sometimes things anger me...and I don't even know who or where I am directing this anger to...
I wish my Optimistic side would speak more than my pessimistic side...but when things don't look too bright...it's kind of hard to.
on Nov 29, 2004
I will never despair, for I know that somewhere, out there, there is the person setting out to do good. Someone ready to fight for what's right, and that person will step up and change this world. It may be someone on this site, it may even be me. But I know one thing: they are out there.
Despair is a loss of hope, and I will never lose hope. For all the bad I see, I know that there is good. For all the wrong, I know there is right. You and I differ on this issue: I trust someone until I am given a reason not to. I also do not heed bad news as a bad sign for humanity, because negative news is the only thing that is reported. Although suicide bombings and beheadings are what the first five years of the 21st century had to offer, we can move on from this. It just takes a true leader, and it seems each generation has delivered one.
I will never lose faith in humanity, because that is all we have. Our humanity.
Whenever I read a story about some heroic soldier giving his life, I know there are thousands, hundreds of thousands others willing to make the same sacrifice for others. Focusing, and dwelling, on genocides and bloody wars will get you nowhere, look toward the sun and make the world better!
Good is far more prevalent in this world than evil.
These times are trying, but I won't let them get to me.
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