Ultimately, left wing belly-acheing about the deficit represents why they are so impotent: They want to bitch but they don't want to do anything constructive.
People like me are already paying the lion's share of the taxes, thanks. We're taxed enough. Your ability to bitch and moan on this website can be directly attributed to the Bush tax cut. Raising taxes isn't the answer.
Cutting defense during the war on terror doesn't make sense either.
And liberals don't want to see their welfare programs removed or cut.
Since conservatives (like me) are prepared to live with deficit spending and debts as long as they stay within a certain level as a % of GDP then liberals can only do what they do best - complain in impotence.
You didn't demonstrate ANY real-world basis. You just regurgitated additional theoretical damage. Please feel free to re-post any real world harm that is actually occuring - right now - that is being missed. Talking about what MAY happen is theoretical.
This is intellectually dishonest beyond belief (and ignorant to boot). If you followed this stuff, even remotely, you would realize that the deficits were not caused by the tax cuts. We had deficits again in 2001 for crying out loud. Remember? What Bush tax cut was affecting it then?
The bulk of the deficits was caused by spending increasing faster than the economy was growing. Economic slow-downs greatly affect deficits. Moreover, a good chunk of the budget surplus could be thanked to capital gains taxes -- i.e. the DOT-COM explosion which collapsed...(wait for it)...in 2001.
You are so blinded by your ideology, "progressive", that you can't apparently be bothered to look into this stuff. Frankly, I don't normally waste my time on people who think the tax cuts, that barely came into effect until last year, were the cause of the deficit or thinking that Clinton somehow, magically, made a surplus.
We had a surplus in the late 90s because we had a very strong economy and an incredible stock market which increased federal receipts at a much higher pace than normal which resulted in a surplus.
Moreover, you liberals never seem to come up with a real solution. Since "my side" is willing to tolerate deficits and your side isn't willing to cut social programs, guess what the result is going to be? Deficits. Raising taxes, even back to where they were, would not eliminate the deficit (even if you pretend that the higher taxes wouldn't negatively affect the economy - and they almost certainly would).